Preserving the rich heritage of Alford and Donside for future generations

Alford Local History Society Meeting

Sharing on behalf of Alford’s Local History Society:

Alford is in danger of losing one of its most popular, well-attended groups – The Local History Society. On average around 70 or more people regularly attend these talks, which is quite unusual for an event of this nature. So the interest is there!

The group has been meeting for many years once a month during the autumn and winter months I.e from Sep/Oct till April/May to hear interesting talks from a variety of speakers on topics of local and the wider NE of Scotland interest.

The present committee, some of whom have been the driving force behind it for about 20 years, are retiring. New blood is therefore urgently required to keep this important part of Alford’s cultural life alive.

It would be great if any interested members of the community could come forward to be involved in helping to preserve and pass on the fascinating history of our area for the future and at the same time offer an enjoyable sociable evening’

A meeting will be held to discuss this at the Alford Men’s Shed on Monday 12th June at 7.30pm. Please come along for more information and let’s keep Alford Local History Society going.